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Weather Website

Prashu-01's github profile

A weather website that can show realtime weather. Simply search for your city name.

Memory color game

mandliyarajendra11's github profile

It tests your memory and concentration skills as you try to follow the pattern of colors and sounds generated by the game.

shopzy e-commerce

kirtiraj22's github profile

It is the frontend part of an e-commerce website called Shopzy.

Tweet Generator

RaviSolanki27's github profile

Create personalized Twitter post images with custom usernames, user IDs, tweet content, and profile pictures using this Next.js app built with TypeScript and Tailwind CSS.

Amazon Smart Watch

Harshu467's github profile

Amazon Smart Watch Website with features of Heart-Rate and Live Time with different colors available.

Gpt-3 X Web Clipper Chrome extension

abhrajitray77's github profile

reactjs Chrome Extension with GPT-3 integration and Webpage text clipping

Navbar using Pure reactjs

singodiyashubham87's github profile

Basic Navbar using reactjs and no JSX


Google-ka-Dinosaur's github profile

A web3 based decentralised money lending system to allow users to send,receive,borrow and lend money(on Goerli Testnet)

Quiz App

blindaks's github profile

A quiz app based on front wnd development questions.

Room Revamp

ujjawaltyagii's github profile

A Virtual Interior Designer website where users can upload a photo of their room and customize it with different furniture and decor items.